Friday, December 19, 2008



(I'll do my farewell at the end of this post.)

First, we went to see the Orlando Magic VS San Antonio Spurs basketball game last nite at the Amway Arena. What a game! WHAT LOUDNESS! I had never experienced such loudness in my 34 (almost 35) yrs of life! The kids were SUPER-amazed at how huge the arena is & about our seats. The game was off to a shaky start. Spurs scored 2 in a row. Orlando missed their 1st shot (what an embarrassment). Nevertheless, in the end, Orlando won roughly by 20 points!!!
We were able to partake of this cool, special event thanks to my daughter who made the all A-Honor Roll & got the free ticket. They were giving out free T-shirts!!!
What a great way to spend time w/one's family.
Life has been quite busy. Angelice is taking Religious Education classes every Wednesday to complete her 1st Communion!!
2 days ago Angelice came out in a small Christmas performance @ school. She did really good & I am proud of her talents!(See 1st pic above)

Tomorrow we're off to her BFF'S bday party. Next week is X-MAS and so on & so on.....
Next mo I begin working frm home! (Yes, I'm still a State Employee doing the same job now for what, almost 10 yrs?)..
I hardly ever have any time to write in here so that's why I've decided to end my blog on this day.
Farewell to all of you.
But, u can still catch me now & then on Facebook to see what I'm up to.

Monday, December 8, 2008

crazy Florida weather ...

So last week it was in the 40s and 50's during the daytime with lows in the 30s @ night - time.
Well, this week has been in the upper 70s & tomorrow will be 85 degrees and by Wednesday it will be almost 90 degrees.
Last week, my kids were wearing winter hats & coats and sweaters. Today, Angelice had her Hannah Montana flip-flops, shorts and tee-shirt. Angel was chillin' as well. I even washed my car.
This is another reason why we live in Florida.
The weather's Kra-zee, it changes alot, but it's all good.
It's all part of livin' the Florida life .............
By the way, just 17 more dayz till Xmas. !!!!!!
I'm still not done shopping for presents.
But, hey, I still have time. They're still throwing some good deals out there. You know the ones, 75% off, 65% off etc, etc...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Angelice!

We had a blast at Chuck E.Cheese's again. Angelice is now 7 yrs old. Her best friend, Tiana, was there as usual just like cousin Mickey & Eggie's sister with her 3kids. I had a total of 10 kids which is exactly what my budget was. A great time was had by all!
The "holidays" have now officially begun for my family. Next week, we put up our Xmas tree as well as our Xmas lights outside. Hard to believe 1 year has gone by!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

All "A" Honor Roll ...

Guess what!
Angelice made the Honor Roll. Because of her achievements, she was awarded a free game ticket to see the Orlando Magic vs. the San Antonio Spurs for next month! Plus, she got a free smoothie @ a famous restaurant here in Kissimmee, plus a free entry to go ice-skating among other little things. Way to go, Angelice!
She has made us very proud and that's why she deserves to have her birthday party where ever she chooses. And, she chose Chuck E. Cheese. (Rather than the roller dome which is where we had it last year.)
Her birthday's this Saturday. I still have to buy the goodie bags & some chocolates. I have her bday gift, but for me, it's not enough. I need to get her something extra since she's so wonderful, dont'cha think?
Well, I guess I'll be posting pics later this week then!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I early voted!

So, today was the last day for "early voting".
I got up at 6am & went to vote at 7am at the library & then on to work overtime.
I proudly wore my "I voted!" sticker.
I was pissed that Obama & Bill Clinton were only 5 mins away frm my house on Wednesday night for their rally! They gave a speech at 11pm at the Osceola Heritage Center which is where I always take my daughter for special concerts & outings. I couldn't believe how packed it got. I passed by at 8pm that night on my way home from my daughter's 1st Communion Religious Education class & boy was the parking starting to get full! Not only that, traffic was slow.
Trust me, I would've gone if my husband was off that day!
Anyway, hopefully this year things will go right on Voting Day November 4th.
Cause it seems like Florida's alwayz in the newz for something or other. If it's not a hurricane, it's the Caylee case or so on & so on. You know what I mean? Something interesting always happens down in Florida!
Well, what was interesting for us was Halloween! We went to the mall as we usually do cuz every year from 6pm - 8pm it's trick or treating time! They were giving out free food samples at the Food Court! Plus, we walk around the whole, entire mall & go to every store for candy. This is a popular thing down in Florida on every Halloween. There were lots & lots of cute costumes there! Let me tell u about 1 that I particularly liked & may get for my son for next Halloween!
It's not really a big deal but I had never seen 1 like it! A batman costume where you press a button & his wings pop out! BIG PLASTIC WINGS! The parents told me they got it at Walmart. (I still have it on my mind)...
So by the time all the stores have been visited, it has been 2 hrs & all the stores are outta candy. We then head to my sister-in-law's neighborhood in Orlando which I like to call "ghetto" cause every Halloween it reminds me a bit of my old neighborhood in Chicago. And it's funny cause, this is a nice neighborhood. Throughout the year, and we visit her quite often, you hardly see many people out. But once Halloween comes around, BAM! Where did all these kids come from? It's like they come out of their caves only once a year. Here are some pics of my kids out in front of my house & at the mall.
Hope your Halloween was happy & safe!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Picnic time ...


It was funny cuz when we were in the food line, he says some African-American girl behind him said "Okay, Brooklyn, you're in my way". Que estupida, MIJA.

So, here are sum pics I took @ my job picnic @ Barnett Park. I couldn't help but open my big mouth with sum good suggestions for next year's picnic. One of the supervisors now wants me to be in the picnic committee next year. Duh. As if I have time.
But, we'll see.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

22 more days ...

I can hardly believe it! Just 22 days left to vote for a new president of the USA.
I am, sadly, still undecided. Although McCain seems to have more political experience, Obama's plan has me going: " Hmmm..." (in a good, likeable tone).
Either way, we need a new president. period.
On a better note, there are 10 days left till "the picnic".
I have been a Florida "State employee" now for 8 yrs & it will be my 1st time going to our annual State Employee & their familiez picnic!! I figured I'd go this year since now the kids are bigger and will be able to participate in the games, contests & stuff.
Also, 17 more days till: HALLOWEEN! The kidz already have their costumes. Angel's costume (he'll be Mr. Incredible from the Incredibles, of course) was actually over $24.00, but I got it for $7.00. Angelice's Cinderella silver costume was priced over $50.00. I got it for 1/2 off plus 10% off with Eggie's Disney discount (since he's a WDW employee).

I guess this means, more pix coming soon .............